Drinking and Metabolic Disorders

This IARD Health Review focuses on the two most common metabolic disorders, Type 2 diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome (MetS). The relationship between alcohol intake and risk for metabolic disorders, notably Type 2 diabetes mellitus and MetS, is characterized by a U-shaped or a J-shaped curve, similar to what is observed for cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality.

Last reviewed: January 2016

IARD Health Reviews offer a referenced overview of recent peer-reviewed, published research on the relationship between alcohol consumption and health outcomes. They are not intended to be exhaustive representations of all scientific research on a given subject and, as research is constantly evolving, they might not include the most recent findings. 

These materials do not necessarily reflect the views of IARD or its member companies. The reviews report the findings of the referenced studies and are not intended to advise individuals about their drinking. People with specific questions about their drinking are encouraged to consult a healthcare professional. Together, they can determine what is best for that individual based on individual risk factors, including family history, genetics, and lifestyle. For some people, the better choice may be to not drink at all. 

IARD Health Reviews should be read in their entirety and not misrepresented or taken out of context.  
