Partnership Council

Partnership Council

The Partnership Council brings together Trade Associations (TAs) and Social Aspects Organizations (SAOs) from around the world with IARD members and staff to achieve greater impact around our collective goal to reduce the harmful use of alcohol.
Click on a Partnership Council member's logo to visit their website.

IARD’s members and the members of its Partnership Council are a diverse group of organizations with a variety of viewpoints. They might not necessarily agree on all or any subjects. Any statements, findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed on this website do not reflect the policies or views of all IARD members or the organizations they represent, unless explicitly stated. However, all members agree on and support IARD’s mission of reducing the harmful use of alcohol.

Members of the Partnership Council

Alcohol Beverages Australia

Asia Pacific International Spirits and Wines Alliance Limited (APISWA)

Association for Alcohol Responsibility and Education (AWARE)

Association for Responsible Consumption of Spirits Drinks (APROCOR)

Australian Grape and Wine

Beer Canada

Beer Institute

Beer Sectoral Group (BSG)

Brazilian Beverage Association (ABRABE)

Brewers Association of Japan (BAJ)

Brewers Association of New Zealand

Brewers of Latin America

British Beer and Pub Association (BBPA)

China Alcoholic Drinks Association (CADA)

Distilled Spirits Industry Council of the United States (DISCUS)

Dominican Association of Rum Producers (ADOPRON)

Drinks Federation Of South Africa (DF-SA)

Drinks Ireland (IBEC)

Drinkwise Australia

European Committee of Wine Enterprises (CEEV)

Federation of French Wine and Spirits Exporters (FEVS)

German Wine Academy (DWA)

International Spirits & Wines Association of India

Japan Spirits and Liquor Makers Association (JSLMA)

Kentucky Distillers' Association

Korea Alcohol and Liquor Industry Association (KALIA)

Mexican Beer Chamber

New Zealand Alcohol Beverage Council (NZABC)

Polish Spirits Industry (ZP PPS)

Portman Group

Prevention and Moderation

Responsible Alcohol Consumption Foundation (STIVA)

Responsible Alcohol Drinks Companies Association (RADCA)

Scotch Whisky Association

Self-Regulating Alcohol Industry Forum (SAIF)

Social Research Foundation (FISAC)

Society of Independent Brewers and Associates

Spanish Wine Federation (FEV)

Spirits and Cocktails Australia

Spirits Canada

Spirits New Zealand

Spirits Pool Association Ltd


Taiwan Beverage Alcohol Forum (TBAF)

Tequila National Chamber (CNIT)

The Brewers of Europe

The Foreign Spirits Producers Association (FSPA)

The Wine and Spirit Trade Association

Trinidad and Tobago Beverage Alcohol Alliance (TTBAA)

Unione Italiana Vini (UIV)

Vietnam Association for Responsible Drinking (VARD)

West Indies Rum and Spirits Producers' Association (WIRSPA)

Wine Growers Canada

Wine Institute

World Brewing Alliance

World Spirits Alliance (WSA)

World Brewing Alliance

World Spirits Alliance (WSA)

Association for Alcohol Responsibility and Education (AWARE)

Beer Sectoral Group (BSG)

Drinks Federation Of South Africa (DF-SA)

Responsible Alcohol Drinks Companies Association (RADCA)

Self-Regulating Alcohol Industry Forum (SAIF)

British Beer and Pub Association (BBPA)

Drinks Ireland (IBEC)

European Committee of Wine Enterprises (CEEV)

Federation of French Wine and Spirits Exporters (FEVS)

German Wine Academy (DWA)

Polish Spirits Industry (ZP PPS)

Portman Group

Prevention and Moderation

Responsible Alcohol Consumption Foundation (STIVA)

Scotch Whisky Association

Society of Independent Brewers and Associates

Spanish Wine Federation (FEV)


The Brewers of Europe

The Wine and Spirit Trade Association

Unione Italiana Vini (UIV)

International Spirits & Wines Association of India

Association for Responsible Consumption of Spirits Drinks (APROCOR)

Beer Canada

Beer Institute

Brazilian Beverage Association (ABRABE)

Brewers of Latin America

Distilled Spirits Industry Council of the United States (DISCUS)

Dominican Association of Rum Producers (ADOPRON)

Kentucky Distillers' Association

Mexican Beer Chamber

Social Research Foundation (FISAC)

Spirits Canada

Spirits Pool Association Ltd

Tequila National Chamber (CNIT)

Trinidad and Tobago Beverage Alcohol Alliance (TTBAA)

West Indies Rum and Spirits Producers' Association (WIRSPA)

Wine Growers Canada

Wine Institute

Alcohol Beverages Australia

Asia Pacific International Spirits and Wines Alliance Limited (APISWA)

Australian Grape and Wine

Brewers Association of Japan (BAJ)

Brewers Association of New Zealand

China Alcoholic Drinks Association (CADA)

Drinkwise Australia

Japan Spirits and Liquor Makers Association (JSLMA)

Korea Alcohol and Liquor Industry Association (KALIA)

New Zealand Alcohol Beverage Council (NZABC)

Spirits and Cocktails Australia

Spirits New Zealand

Taiwan Beverage Alcohol Forum (TBAF)

The Foreign Spirits Producers Association (FSPA)

Vietnam Association for Responsible Drinking (VARD)

More About IARD

Welcome to IARD

Welcome to IARD

Information about IARD and its work

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Members and Affiliations

Members and Affiliations

IARD Governance, Members & Organizations

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Producers Commitments


Key actions IARD members are taking to reduce harmful drinking and raise standards

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