Your search for [Mở ÛŘÎ◠vn98⒐net◠tặng 888k] Bộ bàI drinking game mua ở đâu - Game bàI vnloto - eQQ found: 133 results.

Digital Guiding Principles: Self-Regulation of Marketing Communications for Beverage Alcohol

September 30, 2014

Launched in September 2014, these Digital Guiding Principles were the first ever set of global guidelines for beverage alcohol producers to require the content of any online marketing and social media use to meet the same high standards that apply ...

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Digital Guiding Principles: Self-Regulation of Marketing Communications for Beverage Alcohol

September 30, 2014

Launched in September 2014, these Digital Guiding Principles were the first ever set of global guidelines for beverage alcohol producers to require the content of any online marketing and social media use to meet the same high standards that apply ...

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IARD welcomes new CEO and President Julian Braithwaite 

March 18, 2024

The International Alliance for Responsible Drinking (IARD) is delighted to announce the appointment of new CEO Julian Braithwaite, who takes up his position this week.IARD’s members are the world’s leading beer, wine, and spirits producers, who have come together in ...

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Guiding principles for responsible retailing

May 5, 2021

IARD members created guiding principles for responsible retailing. These principles share the same view as public health experts that both producers and retailers have a role to play in promoting safe drinking environments and helping prevent the harmful use of ...

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Social Marketing

January 27, 2016

This IARD Policy Review summarizes the evidence on social marketing initiatives developed to address problematic drinking behaviors and to reduce the potential for harm.Last Reviewed: August 2016IARD Policy Reviews offer a referenced overview of recent peer-reviewed, published research on the ...

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Drinking and Cardiovascular Disease

November 6, 2018

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) encompasses several distinct conditions involving the heart and blood vessels. Some of the known risk factors for CVD include health-related behaviors, existing health conditions or family history, and genetic traits. This IARD Health Review focuses on the ...

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Producers’ Commitments

November 7, 2018

In 2012, the leading global producers of beer, wine and spirits made a collective commitment to build on their long-standing efforts to reduce harmful drinking through the Beer, Wine and Spirits Producers’ Commitments. In recognition of the serious effects that ...

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New Global Coalition: over 80 leading companies unite to reduce harmful drinking

November 28, 2023

Leading retailers, business organizations, e-commerce and digital platforms, and advertising associations are joining forces to further accelerate reductions in harmful use of alcohol, forming the groundbreaking Global Standards Coalition. This unprecedented collaboration includes industry leaders such as Walmart, SPAR International, ...

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Building on positive trends and partnerships to reduce harmful drinking

May 5, 2021

The CE Os of IARD’s 12 member companies – the world’s leading beer, wine, and spirits producers – wrote to Dr. Tedros, Director-General of the World Health Organization, to reiterate their commitment to supporting public health goals. Dear Dr. Tedros, The ...

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