Minimum Legal Age Limits

This table details legislation and regulations that define minimum age limits for purchase, sale, free supply, and consumption of alcohol beverages, and whether a method of verifying age is indicated, in all countries for which IARD has been able to verify the information with the respective national authorities or through publicly accessible documents.

It is updated on an ongoing basis as jurisdictions enact or revise their requirements with assistance from staff of the Law Library of Congress (Washington, DC). IARD last conducted a review of records across all countries in December 2021 - March 2022. At that time IARD expanded the table to include age verification requirements, which were previously not covered. For more information on how the table is populated, see What goes in the IARD Policy Tables? 

Suggested citation:

International Alliance for Responsible Drinking (IARD). (2022). Minimum legal age limits. Retrieved from

If you find any of the information outdated, please email us at

The resources on this website are not intended as health advice to individuals about their drinking. People with specific questions about their drinking are encouraged to consult a healthcare professional. Together, they can determine what is best for that individual, based on individual risk factors, including family history, genetics, and lifestyle. For some people, the better choice may be to not drink at all.  

IARD Policy Tables are provided for informational purposes only, and should not be construed as legal advice on any subject matter. All IARD materials include a date of content review and they should be read in their entirety and not misrepresented or taken out of context.

Country / Territory On-premise sale Off-premise sale Supply by any person Consumption Age verification requirements Notes Legislation and regulations
Afghanistan [prohibited] [prohibited]  [prohibited] [varies by religion] [n/a]   Penal Code Art 349-352
Law to Fight Against Alcoholic Beverages and Narcotic Substances and to Control Them
Albania 18 18 18 18 [none found] Consumption in public places by those under 18 is prohibited. Law 9518 of 18 April 2006 For the protection of minors from the use of alcohol Art 4
Algeria 18 18 [none found] [none found] [none found]   Order No. 26-75 of 1975 Art 14
Andorra 18 18 18 18 [none found] Consumption in public places by those under 18 is prohibited. Decree 16-6-2004 Approving Regulation of Sale and Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages
Angola 18 18 [verification pending] [verification pending] [verification pending] 18 in Luanda Lei sobre o Regime Especial de disponibilização e Consumo de Bebidas Alcoólicas passed in January 2025 [verification pending]
Antigua and Barbuda 18 18 [none found] [none found] [none found]   Licensing (intoxicating liquor) (Amendment) Act Ch 249 (2018)
Argentina 18 18 [none found] [none found] [none found]   Law No24.788 Combating Alcoholism (Official Bulletin 3rd April 1997) Art 5
Armenia 18 18 [none found] [none found] [none found]   Code of Administrative Offences Art 158
Criminal Code Art 166
Australia 18* 18* [varies by jurisdiction] [varies by jurisdiction] [varies by jurisdiction] *Exceptions may apply if accompanied by a responsible adult. Regulated at state/territory level. See Youth Law Australia: Alcohol
Capital Territory: Liquor Act (2010)
New South Wales: Liquor Act (2007)
Northern Territory: Liquor Act (1987)
Queensland: Liquor Act (1992)
South Australia: Liquor Licensing Act (1997)
Tasmania: Liquor Licensing Act (1990), see also Sale or Supply of Alcohol to Youths (Police Offences Act 1935)
Victoria: Liquor Control Reform Act (1998)
Western Australia: Liquor Control Act (1988)
Austria [varies by beverage] [varies by beverage] [none found] [varies by beverage] yes On- and off-premise, consumption: 18 for spirits, 16 for other alcohol beverages
Each federal state prohibits sale of alcohol beverages to anyone under 16 years of age. 
Carinthia, Lower Austria, Upper Austria, Salzburg, Styria, Tirol, and Voralberg also prohibit sale of spirits and mixed drinks (whether pre-mixed drinks or cocktails) to anyone under 18 years of age.
National Youth Protection Act 2002 
Austrian Federal Government: Overview by state
Azerbaijan 18 18 [none found] [none found] [none found]   Law on Children's Rights Art 9
Bahamas 18 18 [none found] [none found] [none found]   Liquor Licences Act Ch 372: 22
Bahrain [varies by religion] [varies by religion] [varies by religion] [varies by religion] [n/a] Prohibited for Muslims;
none found for others
Penal Code 1976 as amended through 2010 Art 307
Bangladesh 21* 21* 21* 21* [verification pending] Sale is prohibited except to holders of a permit from the Department of Narcotics Control over the age of 21; Muslims may only obtain a consumption permit for medical reasons. Narcotics Control Act 2018, Ministry of Home Affairs Alcohol Control Rules 2022 
Barbados 18 18 18 [none found] [none found]   Liquor Licenses Act 2021 Art 27
Belarus 18 18 [none found] [none found] yes   Law No. 429-Z on State Regulation of Production and Turnover of Alcoholic, Non-food Alcohol-containing Products and Non-food Ethyl Alcohol Art 11.4
Belgium [varies by beverage] [varies by beverage] [varies by beverage] [none found] yes on- and off-premise, supply: 
18 for distilled beverages of higher than 1.2%ABV and fermented beverages of higher than 22%ABV;
16 for other alcohol beverages
Act of 24 January 1977 on the protection of consumer health concerning food and other products Art 6
Belize 18 18 [none found] [none found] [none found]   Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Law CAP. 150, as revised December 2000
Benin 20 20 20 [none found] [none found]   Decree of 10 June 1942 regulating the production, import, advertisement, sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages in French West Africa, as cited in Republic of Benin Report to UN Committee on the Rights of the Child CRC/C/BEN/2, 24 November 2005
Bhutan 18 18 [none found] [none found] [verification pending]   Rules and Regulations For Establishment And Operation of Industrial And Commercial Ventures in Bhutan 1995, Rule 17 
Notification No. Kha(12-7)/89/5070 dated 26 April 1993
Bolivia 18 18 [none found] [none found] yes Consumption of alcohol beverages without food in the company of minors under 18 years of age is prohibited in public places. Law 259 Against the Sale and Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages, July 2012 Art 20 
Bosnia and Herzegovina 18 18 18 [none found] yes   Law on Public Peace and Order 2015 Art 25
Law on Internal Trade 2010 Art 10
Botswana 18 18 18 [none found] [none found]   Liquor Act No.9 of 2004 Art 32 
Children Act 2009 Sec 2, 60
Brazil 18 18 18 [none found] [none found]   Presidential Amendment 13,106 of 17 March 2015 of 
Law 8096 (1990) Statute on Children and Adolescents Art. 243 
Decree-Law 3,688 (1941) Law on Criminal Misdemeanors 
Brunei [prohibited] [prohibited] [prohibited] [varies by religion] [n/a] Non-Muslims over 17 years of age are allowed to import alcohol not to exceed maximum total volume 2 L of spirits and 12 330 mL cans of beer for personal use, once in 48 hours. This alcohol must be “stored and consumed at the place of residence of the importer” and is “not to be given, transferred or sold to another person.” Liquor Form, Royal Customs and Excise Department, Ministry of Finance
Bulgaria 18 18 18 18 [none found]   Health Act 2005 Art 54, 218
Child Protection Act Art 5b, 45
Burkina Faso 18 18 [none found] [none found] [none found]   Penal Code Art 532-23
Burundi 18* 18* [none found] [none found] [none found] *unless accompanied by parent Penal Code Art 501-502 (Law No1/05 of 22 April 2009)
Cabo Verde 18 18 18 18 yes   Law No. 271/V/97 Art 1.1, 4
Law No. 51/IX/2019 Art 2-3
Cambodia [none found] [none found] [none found] [none found] [n/a]   [n/a]
Cameroon 18* 18* [none found] [none found] [none found] *unless accompanied by person aged 21 or above in a supervisory role Law No 2016/007 of 12 July 2016 Penal Code Article 348
Canada [varies by jurisdiction] [varies by jurisdiction] [varies by jurisdiction] [none found] [verification pending] 18 in Alberta, Manitoba, and Quebec; 
19 in British Columbia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Northwest Territories, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Saskatchewan, and Yukon.

Drinking by minors under adult supervision is permitted in licensed premises in Manitoba and New Brunswick and at home in Prince Edward Island, Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario and Saskatchewan
Act respecting Offences Relating to Alcoholic Beverages, CQLR c I-8.1
Central African Republic [none found] [none found] [none found] [none found] [n/a]   [n/a]
Chad 18* 18* [none found] [none found] [none found] *unless accompanied by supervising adult Law 2017-01 Penal Code Chapter 6 Art 376-378
Chile 18* 18 18 18 yes *Minors may be served alcohol beverages if accompanied by a parent at an establishment serving food. Law 19.925 on the Sale and Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages Art 3, 29, 42
China 18 18 [none found] [none found] yes Macau autonomous region has established legal purchase age of 18, to enter into force in November 2023.  Ministry of Commerce Decree No. 25 of 2006 Art 19
Law on the Protection of Minors 2020 Art 57
Macau SAR Law No. 6/2023 System for prevention and control of underage drinking of alcohol beverages Art 4
Chinese Taipei 18 18 18 [none found] yes   Tobacco and Alcohol Administration Act 2000 Art 30, 35
Protection of Children and Youth Welfare and Rights Act as amended in 2019 Art 91
Colombia 18 18 18 18 yes   Decree 120 of 21 January 2010 Adopting measures related to consumption of alcohol Art 17
Law 1098 Code on Children and Adolescents 1986 Art 20
Comoros [varies by religion] [varies by religion] [none found] [varies by religion] [none found] Production of alcohol beverages by Muslims, their sale to Muslims, and their consumption by Muslims are prohibited;
On- and off-premise: 21 for others.
Penal Code Arts 229-6, 229-7
Congo, Democratic Republic of [verification pending] [verification pending] [verification pending] [verification pending] [verification pending]    
Congo, Republic of 18 18 18 [none found] [none found]   Law No.4-2010 of 14 June 2010 Child Protection Code Art 69, 123
Costa Rica 18 18 18 18 yes   Decree 17410 (2010) Law Regulating Alcohol Beverages Art 14
Law 9047 on Sale and Consumption of Alcohol Beverages 2012 Art 13-14, 16
Cote d'Ivoire [verification pending] [verification pending] [verification pending] [verification pending] [verification pending]    
Croatia 18 18 [none found] [none found] yes   Trade Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Croatia 87/2008, 116/2009, 76/2009, 114/2011, 68/2013 and 30/2014) Art 11
Cuba 16 16 [none found] [none found] [none found]   Resolution No 334/04, Official Gazette 7 January 2005
Penal Code Art 313
Cyprus 18 18 18 18 yes   Sale of Alcoholic Beverage Law (Cap 144) Art 5A
Czech Republic 18 18 18 [none found] yes   Act No. 65/2017 Coll. Protection of health from harmful effects of addictive substances Title III Sec 11(5), Title II Sec 6(1)
Denmark 18 [varies by beverage] [none found] [none found] yes Off-premise: 16 for beverages of 1.2%-16.5%ABV; 18 for alcohol beverages of 16.5%ABV or higher. Act prohibiting the sale of tobacco and alcohol to persons under 18 Art 16, 18
Djibouti [none found] [none found] [none found] [none found] [n/a]   [n/a]
Dominica 16 16 [none found] [none found] [none found]   Laws of Dominica Liquor Licences Act Chapter 70:03, Part IV, Sec 15(f)
Dominican Republic 18 18 [none found] [none found] [none found]   Law No.136-03: Code for the protection of the rights of Children and Adolescents 2003 Art 22 
Ecuador 18 18 [none found] [none found] yes   Reforms of the General Rules on the Natural Law for Consumer Protection, 11 June 2001 No.344 Art 53-54
Egypt 21 21 [verification pending] [verification pending] [verification pending]   Law No. 371 of 1956 concerning public shops and the resolutions implementing it Art 25
Law of Public Places Art 2 
Law of Recreational Places and Law 63/1976 Art 24 
El Salvador 18 18 18 [none found] [none found]   Law regulating the production and sale of alcohol and alcohol beverages No 640 of 1996 Art 49
Penal Code Art 147-D
Eritrea 18 18 18 [none found] [none found]   Penal Code Art 267
Estonia 18 18 18 18 yes   Alcohol Act 1999 Art 19
Eswatini 18 18 [none found] [none found] [none found]   Liquor Licences Act of 1964 Art 65
Ethiopia 21 21 [none found] [none found] [none found]   Proclamation 1112/2019 Art 18
Equatorial Guinea 16 16 [none found] [none found] [none found]   Penal Code 1963 Art 584-7-9
Fiji 18 18 [none found] [none found] yes   Liquor Act 2006 Art 61-63
Finland 18 [varies by beverage] [none found] [varies by beverage] [none found] 18 for beverages up to 22% ABV; 20 for other beverages Alcohol Act 1143/94, amended 1477/94 Sec 37, 83
France 18 18 [none found] [none found] yes   Code of Public Health Art L3342
Gabon 18 18 [none found] [none found] [none found]   Penal Code Art. 209bis-1
Gambia 16 16 [none found] [none found] [none found]   Liquor License Act S16
Georgia 18 18 [none found] [none found] [none found]   Law on Protecting Minors from Harmful Influences 2001 Art 4
Germany [varies by beverage] [varies by beverage] [varies by beverage] [none found] [none found] 16 for beer and wine (14 if accompanied by parent or guardian), 18 for spirits
Those below 18 years of age are not permitted in premises licensed as bars, nightclubs and similar entertainment venues.
Protection of Young Person Act 2002 and Amendment BT-DRS. 15/2578
Ghana 18 18 [none found] [none found] [none found]   Liquor Licensing Act 331-1970 Sec 15
Greece 18 18 [none found] 18 [none found]   Law 3730/2008 Protecting minors from tobacco and alcoholic beverages, and other provisions Art 4
Grenada 16 [none found] [none found] [none found] [none found]   Chapter 174 Liquor Dealers' Licenses Act 1988 Art 39
Guatemala 18 18 18 18 [none found]   Public Health Code 1998 Art 50
Guinea [none found] [none found] [none found] [none found] [n/a]   [n/a]
Guinea Bissau [none found] [none found] [none found] [none found] [n/a]   [n/a]
Guyana 18* 18 [none found] [none found] [none found] *16 for wine or malt liquor to be consumed with a meal Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Act 1998 Art 54-55
Haiti [none found] [none found] [none found] [none found] [n/a]   The Senate voted on a proposed Law on the protection of minors from alcohol beverages, to establish a legal purchase age of 18 and related implementation measures, in December 2012; it has not yet been enacted.
Honduras 18 18 [none found] [none found] yes The definition of punishable gang activity for minors aged 12-18 includes drinking alcohol beverages in public places. Decree 226 of 2001 Art 68, 90-91, 146
Code of Children and Adolescents Art 97
Hungary 18 18 [none found] [none found] yes   Law 155 on Consumer Protection 1997 Sec16/A
Iceland 20 20 20 [none found] yes   Alcohol Act No. 75/1998 Art 18
India [varies by jurisdiction] [varies by jurisdiction] [varies by jurisdiction] [varies by jurisdiction] [varies by jurisdiction] Purchase ages:
 18 in Goa, Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Sikkim, and Puducherry 
 21 in Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Chhattisgarh, Delhi, Haryana, Jammu and Kashmir, Jharkhand, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Mizoram, Orissa (Odisha), Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Tripura, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal 
 25 in Meghalaya, Punjab
Sale is prohibited: Bihar, Gujarat, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland, Lakshadweep
[various - see state Excise Acts and related regulations]
Indonesia [varies by jurisdiction] [varies by jurisdiction] [varies by jurisdiction] [varies by jurisdiction] yes Sale is prohibited in Banda Aceh and Papua; 
21 elsewhere for both on- and off-premise sale
Ministry of Trade Regulation No 20/2014 Art 15
Aceh Law No 6/2014 (Oct. 22, 2014) Art 3
Papua Provincial Regulation No 15/2013
Iran [prohibited] [prohibited] [prohibited] [varies by religion] [n/a]   [n/a]
Iraq [verification pending] [verification pending] [verification pending] [verification pending] [verification pending]   [verification pending]
Ireland 18 18 18 18* yes *Parents can permit their underage child to drink in private residences. Intoxicating Liquor Act 2003 Sec 13
Israel 18 18 [none found] 18 [none found]   Business Licensing Law 2010 (26th amendment) 
Law to control alcohol intoxication 2010 
Italy 18 18 [none found] [none found] [none found]   Penal Code Book III Title I Art 689 as amended by Law 189/2012 
Jamaica 18 18 [none found] [none found] [none found]   Spirit License Act 42/1995 Sec 62 
Child Care and Protection Act 2004 Sec 40
Japan 20 20 [none found] 20 yes   Underage Drinking Act 2001
Jordan 18 18 [none found] [none found] [none found]   Royal Decree (October 2001)
Kazakhstan 21 21 [none found] 18 yes   Code of public health and the healthcare system Art 110
Code of Administrative Offenses 2014 Sec 200
Kenya 18 18 [none found] [none found] yes   The Alcoholic Drinks Control Act 2010 Part III Licensing 24.1, Part IV 28.3
Kiribati 21 21 [none found] 21 [none found]   Liquor Ordinance 1973 Art 11
Liquor (Amendment) Act 12-2005 Art 27
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 18 18 [none found] [none found] [none found]   [verification pending]
Korea, Republic of 19* 19* 19* [none found] [none found] *Being 19 is defined, for the purposes of this legislation, as effective from January 1st of the 19th year after one's birth Juvenile Protection Act 2010 Art 2, 28
Kuwait [prohibited] [prohibited] [verification pending] [verification pending] [n/a]   Law No 46/1964
Kyrgyzstan 18 18 [none found] [none found] [none found]   Law 269 of 13/09/2009 Art 13.2
Lao People's Democratic Republic 18 18 [none found] 18 [none found]   Law on Control of Alcoholic Beverages 2015
Law on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Children
2007 Art 48-49
Latvia 18 18 18 18 yes   Trade in Alcohol Law Sec 6 Law on protection of the rights of the child Sec 3, 27, 48,  77-79
Lebanon 18 18 18 [none found] [none found]   Penal Code Art 625-626
Lesotho 18 18 18 [none found] [none found]  It is a defense for selling or supplying alcohol beverages to a person under 18 if the agent "took reasonable measures to determine the age of the person" or "had reasonable grounds" to believe they were of age. Liquor Licensing Act 1997 Sec 39
Liberia 18 18 18* [none found] [none found] *"this section shall not apply to a parent or guardian who serves an alcoholic beverage to his child or ward" Penal Law of 1976 Sec 16, 50.7
Libya [prohibited] [prohibited] [prohibited] [prohibited] [n/a]   Law No 4 of 1923 Art 1
Liechtenstein [varies by beverage] [varies by beverage] [varies by beverage] [varies by beverage] [none found] Across age limits: 18 for spirits and alcopops; 16 for other alcohol beverages Children and Youth Act 2008 Art 5, 69 
Lithuania 18 18 18 16 yes   Law on Alcohol Control I-857/1995 Art 18, Code of Administrative Offenses Art 178-180
Luxembourg 16 16 16 [none found] [none found]   Law prohibiting the sale of alcohol beverages to minors below 16 years of age 2006
Madagascar [verification pending] [verification pending] [verification pending] [verification pending] [verification pending]    
Malawi 18 18 [none found] [none found] [none found]   Liquor Act Sec 2, 74
Mali 18 18 [none found] [none found] [none found]   Order N°02-062/P-RM of June 05, 2002 Child Protection Code Art 45
Malaysia [varies by religion] [varies by religion] [varies by religion] [varies by religion] [none found] sale to Muslims is prohibited; 21 otherwise for on- and off-premise Food Act Regulation 1985/361 as updated through 2014 Art 4, State and Federal Territories Syariah Criminal Offences Enactments
Maldives [prohibited*] [prohibited*] [prohibited*] [prohibited*] [n/a] *Consumption is prohibited to citizens Penal Code Law No. 6/2014 Sec 616
Ministry of Trade and Economic Development regulations issued in 2009 reportedly establish licensing procedures for resort bars to serve alcohol beverages to foreign citizens.
Mali 18 18 [none found] [none found] [none found]   Order N°02-062/P-RM of June 05, 2002 Child Protection Code Art 45
Malta 17 17 17 17 [none found]   Trading Licences Act Subsidiary Legislation 441.07 Regulation 13 as amended through 2011 Art 7
Cap 10 Code of Police Laws Art 185, 316
Marshall Islands 21 21 21 21 yes   Alcoholic Beverage Control Act 1971 Art 111(i)
Alcohol Restriction Act of 1994 Art 202(1)
Mauritania [prohibited] [prohibited] [verification pending] [verification pending] [n/a]   Ordinance 83-162 of July 9, 1983 on institution of a Penal Code
Mauritius 18 18 [none found] [none found] yes   Child Protection Act 30/1994 Sec 16, 18
Public Health Act Regulations 2008
Mexico 18 18 18 18 [none found]   General Health Law as amended through 2007 Art 220
Micronesia, Federated States of [varies by jurisdiction] [varies by jurisdiction] [verification pending] [verification pending] [verification pending] 21 in states of Pohnpei and Yap; 18 in states of Kosrae and Chuuk State Codes
Moldova 18 18 [none found] [none found] yes   Law 1100/2000 on Alcohol Production and Sale as amended through 2012 Art 30
Decree 473/2012 Technical regulations on Beer and Drinks Based on Beer Sec 9
Monaco 18 18 [none found] [none found] [none found]   Ordinance 2,533 of 1941 on manufacture, sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages Art 8
Mongolia 21 21 21 21* [none found] *Parents and guardians are prohibited to supply alcohol beverages to young people under 18. Law to Combat Alcoholism 2000, as amended through 2011 Art 7-8
Montenegro 18 18 [none found] [none found] [none found]   Law on Public Order (Official Gazette 64/2011) Art 25 
Law on Tourism 2010 Art 104
Morocco [varies by religion] [varies by religion] [none found] [none found] [none found] sale to Muslims is prohibited; 16 for non-Muslims Legislative Decision No. 3.177.66 of 1967 Art 28-30
Mozambique 18 18 [none found] 18 yes   Decree 35/2002 Regulation of Law 6/99 Access of Minors to Alcoholic Beverages​
Decree 54/2013 Regulations on the Control of the Production, Sale and Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages (2013), Article 5.1 & 7.1
Myanmar 18 18 18 [none found] [none found]   The Excise Act 1958 Art 40(7)
Child Law 1993 Art 65
Namibia 18 18 18 18 yes   Liquor Act 1998-6 Art 56
Nauru 21 21 21 21 [none found]   Liquor Ordinance 1967 Art 33
Nepal 18 18 [none found] [none found] [none found]   Liquor Act 2031-10 Art 4A.6 
Hotel Management and Sale and Distribution of Liquors (Control) Act as amended through 2010
Netherlands 18 18 18 18 yes   Alcohol Act Art 20, 45
New Zealand 18 18 18*  [none found] yes *It is a defense to a charge under this provision if the person supplying the alcohol is a parent or guardian of the minor, and supplies the alcohol in a responsible manner Sale and Supply of Liquor Act 2012 Art 239-241
Nicaragua 18 18 [none found] [none found] [none found]   Law 287/1998 Art 66
Niger 18 18 [none found] [none found] [none found]   Penal Code Art 302
Nigeria [varies by jurisdiction] [varies by jurisdiction] [none found] [none found] [none found] Purchase age of 18 in Abuja
Prohibited in Borno state
Abuja Municipal Area Council Bye-Law (2001) Section 15
Niue 18 18         The Liquor Act 1975/2 Art 11
Norway [varies by beverage] [varies by beverage] [varies by beverage] [none found] yes Both on- and off-premise sales: 
18 for beverages of 0.7-22%ABV 
20 for beverages of 22%ABV and above - this applies to supply by ay person
Law 1989-27 Act on the Sale of Alcoholic Beverages Sec 1-5 
Regulation 2005-38 Alcohol Regulations Sec 2-4
North Macedonia 18 18 [none found] [none found] yes   Law on Trade Art 24
Oman 18 18 [none found] [none found] [none found]   Royal Decree No. 7/2018 issuing the Penal Code Art 285-287
Pakistan [prohibited*] [prohibited*] [prohibited*] [prohibited*] [n/a] *Provincial governments may issue licenses for manufacture, sale, and consumption.
Non-Muslim citizens may possess alcohol to be used in accordance with religious ceremonies
Prohibition (Enforcement of Hadd) Order of February 19th, 1979
Sindh Prohibiton ordinance 1978
Palau 21 21 21 21 [none found] A reasonable belief based on seeing identification documents may be considered in mitigation of penalty but not as a defense to liability for sale to underage persons. 11 P.N.C. 2014 Sec 1002(h), 1067-1068
Panama 18 18 18 [none found] [none found]   Law 3 of 1994 Family Code Art 561
Papua New Guinea [varies by beverage] [varies by beverage] [none found] [varies by beverage] [none found] 18 for beverages of 0-7.3%ABV and above 37%ABV;
none for others
Liquor Licensing Act 1963 Art 103
In January 2022, the Special Parliamentary Committee on Alcohol-Related Violence announced terms of reference to review this act to close a gap; the act only regulates beverages of 0-7.3%ABV and above 37%ABV, but not those in between. 
Paraguay 20 20 20 [none found] yes   Law 1642 of 2000 Art 1
Peru 18 18 18 [none found] [none found]   Law 28681 of 2006
Regulation of Law 28681 Art 14
Philippines 18 18 18 [none found] [none found]   Act Regulating the Access of Minors to Alcohol
Poland 18 18 [none found] [none found] yes   Act on Upbringing in Sobriety and the Prevention of Alcoholism Art 15
Portugal 18 18 18 [none found] yes   Decree-Law no 50/2013 as amended by Decree-law no 106/2015
Qatar [prohibited] [prohibited] [prohibited] [prohibited] [n/a] Foreigners holding valid residence permits can apply for licenses to purchase alcohol beverages from the Qatar Distribution Company. Law No 11 of 2004 Art 272
Romania 18 18 [none found] 18 [none found]   Law 61/1991 as amended through 2011 for sanctioning the violation of rules of social life, the public order Art 22-23
Russia 18 18 18 16 yes Penalties apply to parents of those under 16 years of age who consume alcohol beverages in public places. Law 171-1995 State regulation of the turnover of alcohol Art 16
Code of Administrative Offences, Art 6.10, 20,22
Rwanda 18 18 18 [none found] [none found]   Law no17 of 2018 relating to the protection of the child Art 17 and definitions
Organic Law implementing the Penal Code 01/2012/OL Art 219
Saint Kitts and Nevis 16 16 [none found] [none found] [none found]   Liquor Licences Act Sec 32(f)
Saint Lucia 16 [none found] [none found] [none found] [none found]   Chapter 13.17 Liquor Licence Act Art 37
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 16 [none found] [none found] [none found] [none found]   Liquor License Act Sec 27-28
Samoa 21* 21 21 [none found] yes *may sell or supply to persons aged 18 and above who are accompanied by parent or legal guardian and consuming a substantial meal ​Alcohol Control Act 2020 Art 16-18
San Marino 16 16 [none found] [none found] [none found]   Law No. 139 of November 26, 1997
Sao Tome and Principe [none found] [none found] [none found] [none found] [n/a]   [n/a]
Saudi Arabia [prohibited] [prohibited] [verification pending] [verification pending] [n/a]   [n/a]
Senegal 18 18 [none found] [none found] [none found]   Decree 97-338 of 1997 Art 12
Serbia 18 18 18 [none found] yes   Law 62/2014 Consumer Protection Art 24
Seychelles 18 18 [none found] [none found] [none found]   Chapter 113 Licenses Act as amended through 27th September, 2010 Art 14
Sierra Leone [none found] [none found] [none found] [none found] [n/a]   [n/a]
Singapore 18 18 18 [none found] [none found] It is a defense to prosecution for the sale or provision of alcohol to underage persons if the party "had taken all reasonable steps to ascertain" their age. Liquor Control (Supply and Consumption) Act 05/15 Part 3 Art 11
Slovakia 18 18 18 18 yes   Law 219/1996 on protection against the abuse of alcoholic beverages and the establishment and operation of abstinence rooms Sec 2, 3
Slovenia 18 18 18 [none found] yes   Act Restricting the Use of Alcohol Art 7-11
Solomon Islands 21 21 21 [none found] [none found]   Liquor Act (Ch. 144) Sec 72 
Somalia [prohibited] [prohibited] [verification pending] [verification pending] [n/a]   [verification pending]
South Africa 18 18 18 [none found] yes   Liquor Act No. 59 of 2003 Sec 1, 10
South Sudan 18 18 [none found] [none found] [none found]   The Child Act 2008 Art 5, 24(2)
Spain 18* 18* [none found] [none found] [verification pending] *Baleares Islands autonomous region does not have specific regulation limiting the sale of alcohol beverages to minors. Access autonomous region legislation on the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality: Alcohol and youth - Legislation 
Sri Lanka 21 21 [none found] [none found] [none found] It is a defense to the sale or provision of alcohol beverages to underage persons if the party "took all reasonable steps to ascertain" that they were of age. National Authority on Tobacco and Alcohol Act 27 of 2006 Part II Art 31
Sudan [varies by religion] [varies by religion] [varies by religion] [varies by religion] [n/a] Prohibited for Muslims, none for others Law No. 12 of 2020 Penal Code Art 78-79
Suriname 18 18 [none found] [none found] [none found]   Law 44 of 2015 on Further Amendment of the Criminal Code art 536
Sweden 18 [varies by beverage] [varies by beverage] [none found] yes Off-premise and supply by any person: 18 for folk beer (2.25-3.5%ABV) and 20 for other beverages Alcohol Act (SFS 2010:1622) Cap 3 Art 7-9
Switzerland [varies by beverage and jurisdiction] [varies by beverage and jurisdiction] [none found] [none found] yes 18 for spirits 
16 or 18 for beer and wine depending on the Canton
Order on foodstuffs and consumer goods of 23 November 2005 Art 11 
Federal Law on Alcohol of 21 June 1932, as amended through 2011 Art 41
Federal Customs Administration: Prevention and protection of minors
Syria [verification pending] [verification pending] [verification pending] [verification pending] [verification pending]    
Tajikistan 18 18 20* [none found] [none found]  *Parents are prohibited allowing their children under 20 years of age to consume alcohol beverages Law 451 of 1997 on State Regulation of Production and Turnover of Ethyl Alcohol and Alcohol Products Art 12
Law No. 762 on Parental Responsibilities for Raising Children (2011) Art 8
Tanzania 18 18 [none found] [none found] [none found]   Law No. 21 Law of the Child (2009) Art 4, 17
Thailand 20 20 [none found] [none found] [none found]   Alcohol Beverage Control Act B.E. 2551 Sec 29
Timor-Leste [none found] [none found] [none found] [none found] [n/a]   [n/a]
Togo [varies by beverage] [varies by beverage] [varies by beverage] [none found] [none found] 18 for wine, beer, or cider; 20 for other alcohol beverages Ordinance No. 34 of 1967 Code of alcohol beverage outlets and anti-alcoholism measures Art 29
Tonga 18 18 18 [none found] [none found]   Intoxicating Liquor Act Cap 84 Art 65-66
Trinidad and Tobago 18 18 [none found] [none found] [none found]   Liquor Licences Act Cap 84:10 Art 60, as amended 2002
Tunisia [varies by religion] [none found] [none found] [none found] [none found] On-premise: prohibited for Muslims; 18 for others (nightclubs) Law 59-147 Regulation of beverage outlets and similar establishments Art 35
Law 2004-75 Art 4
Turkey 18 18 [none found] [none found] [none found]   Regulation about Retail Sale of Tobacco and Tobacco Products and Alcohol and Alcoholic Drinks 11 January 1998 Art 5
Turkmenistan 21 21 [none found] [none found] [none found]   Law on Prevention of the Harmful Impact of Alcohol 2018 Art 22-2
Law no Trade Art 33
Code of Administrative Offences Art 315, 356
Tuvalu 18 18 [none found] [none found] yes* *"Evidence for the purposes of this section may be oral or documentary." Alcoholic Drinks Act Art 99, 121
Uganda 18* 18 [none found] [none found] [none found] *16 for beer, wine, perry, porter, cider, or native liquor with a meal in a meal-service section of the premises Liquor Act of 1960 Cap 93 Art 19
Ukraine 18 18 [none found] [none found] yes   Law on state regulation of production and circulation of ethyl, cognac and fruit alcohol, alcohol beverages, tobacco products, and liquids used in electronic cigarettes and fuel Art 15-3 
United Arab Emirates [varies by jurisdiction] [varies by  jurisdiction] [varies by  jurisdiction] [varies by  jurisdiction] yes Sale, supply, and consumption are prohibited in Sharjah.
21 elsewhere
Federal Law No 3 of 1987 of the Penal Code, Article 313 (bis)
United Kingdom 18* 18 5 [none found] yes  *16 for beer, cider, and wine with a meal and bought by and accompanied by an adult. This does not apply in Northern Ireland. Licensing Act 2003 and Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005
United States of America 21* 21* [varies by jurisdiction] [varies by jurisdiction] yes See the NIAAA Alcohol Policy Information System (APIS) for more details
 *18 for on-premise and off-premise sales in Puerto Rico (Law 118, 18 October 1984) and the U.S. Virgin Islands
The National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984 (Title 23 U.S.C. §158)
Uruguay 18 18 18 [none found] [none found]   Code of Childhood and Adolescence Art 187 
Uzbekistan 21 21 [none found] [none found] yes   Law on limiting the distribution and use of alcohol and tobacco products 24 May 2023 Art 21
Vanuatu 18 18 18 18 [none found]   Liquor Licensing Act Art 17
Venezuela 18 18 18 [none found] [none found]   Natural Law for the Protection of Children and Adolescents 5/266 1998 Art 92
Vietnam 18 18 18 18 [verification pending]   Prime Minister's Decision 2044 QD-TTg: National Policy on Prevention of Harmful Use of Alcoholic Beverages 2014-2020
Decree 117/2020 / ND-CP on administrative sanctions in the health sector
Yemen [prohibited] [prohibited]  [prohibited] [prohibited] [n/a]   [verification pending]
Zambia [varies by beverage] [varies by beverage] [none found] [none found] [none found] On premise: 16 for traditional beer; 18 for other beverages
Off-premise: 16 for traditional beer; 14 for other beverages (none for a licensee's family members or servants / delivery persons)
Liquor Licensing Act 20/2011 Art 46-47
Traditional Beer Regulations Art 9
Zimbabwe 18* 18* 18* [none found] [none found] A parent or guardian may consent to the supply of alcohol beverages to the child who is younger than 18. Chapter 14:12 Liquor Act Art 84, 116